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Qingdao Ocean Shipping Supply Import & Export Co.,Ltd is exclusively engaged in supplying the ship’s provision, ship’s stores, ship’s spare parts, and some duty free goods authorized by the port office of Qingdao municipal. 

We are legal member of CFESA (China Friendship External Supplier Association of Commerce), ISSA ( International Ship Suppliers Association), Qingdao Seaport Association, Qingdao Foreign Economic Trade Association .

We do service for ocean-going ships, foreign naval ships, and any other kind of foreign ships. With our intelligent employees, the company has established strict management system to improve its competence. With competitive price, superior quality and perfect after-sales service, Qingdao Supco has won good reputation in shipping supply market. Now it has become one of  competitive ship suppliers in Qingdao. Our aim is to supply all needed products and service, to provide the customer with an effective and warm service. 

We are looking forward to entering into business relationships with a wide range of domestic and foreign ship owners, charterers, operators and brokers. 

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